31 March 2025 LGPS Valuation – Plan ahead for the best outcomes
The date of the next LGPS valuation is at 31 March 2025 and LGPS Funds and their actuaries are already preparing how to approach this, meaning those housing associations who engage early will have better access to information and decision making. Join us as we help housing associations to plan and engage with their Funds with informed, independent analysis to get the best outcomes.
There have been significant changes to the economic and LGPS landscape since the 2022 valuation and Isio is helping housing associations still offering LGPS to make the most of this valuation cycle, in order to access surplus and to reset their cost and risk profile.
Bite sized briefing
Join our housing experts as they give their insights on the 2025 valuation and consider what it means for the housing sector and for individual housing associations. With technical and market insight, we’ll help you understand and set your valuation objectives considering the right balance around costs and financial risks and plan for effective engagement with the Fund. Watch our bite size briefing here:
Key developments
With the market improvements seen since the last valuation most funds should find themselves in a much improved underlying position at the 2025 valuation.
Isio’s Low-Risk Funding Index provides an estimate of the aggregate low-risk position of the LGPS. This a prudent measure of the pensions risk to the Fund. The aggregate position in December 2024 was 125% funded improved from only 67% at the last valuation.
This changes the conversation for the 2025 valuation and brings into focus contribution reductions and risk reduction and getting the right balance between the two.
Isio’s Low-risk Funding Index (LGPS in aggregate for E&W)

Some LGPS funds will be slower to engage with employers than others. It will be important to understand your Fund’s timetable of events. We recommend that you plan and engage early, understanding your opening position and the valuation process.
We want to support your engagement with the Fund, to help you understand your objectives for the valuation, the levers available to you and how these fit with your business objectives.
Your Objectives

How can Isio help you?
Isio uses a “People, Finance and Governance” framework, combining actuarial analysis with wider strategic considerations to give housing associations advice to empower your Executive and Board to take informed decisions in the context of your overall business and values. We want to support you preparing for these valuation discussions and achieving the right outcomes for your organisation.
Case study
Turning DB pension risk into opportunity for a public services client
Bron Afon is a social housing association providing homes and supporting communities across South Wales. It required support managing its Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) exposure and accessing scheme surplus to rebalance discrepancies in employee benefits. By tackling risk and uncertainty head on, Isio guided Bron Afon to a position of financial confidence and sustainability going forward.
Read moreGet in touch
If you’d like to hear more about our views and how they might affect you, or if you like assistance with your consultation response, please get in touch with Steve, Andrew or one of your usual Isio contacts.

